Happy Birthday to my Aunt Betty

Today was the birthdate of my amazing Aunt Betty, Stephen’s mother, and she is so very much missed. Here is a dedication to my Aunt Betty for my cousin Stephen while he is down for the moment.

In the tapestry of our family's history, Aunt Betty was the radiant thread that bound us together, weaving a narrative of love, strength, and unwavering support. Nine years have passed since she left the mortal realm, yet not a day slips by without the echo of her laughter or the warmth of her embrace lingering in our hearts.

For Charles, her husband, Aunt Betty, was his wife and companion, someone he confided in and shared adventures with. Their enduring relationship showcased resilience and commitment, standing strong over the years.

Aunt Lisa, her sister, found in Betty not only a sibling but a kindred spirit. Their shared laughter echoed through the years, a melody that still resonates in the memories of family gatherings and quiet moments alike.

Stephen, her son, carries the torch of her legacy with pride. Aunt Betty's nurturing spirit and unwavering encouragement sculpted him into the remarkable person he is today. She laid the foundation for his strength, resilience, and compassion. It shows during this trying time with the resounding circle of friends that are showering him with love and well wishes.

Ann, Barry, Ciny, Travis, Colby, Dana, and Greysen, her nieces and nephew, were the recipients of Aunt Betty's boundless love and sage advice. In her, they found not just an aunt but a confidante, mentor, and a pillar of support. Her influence shaped their lives in profound ways.

To her siblings, Leonard, Ava, Sandi, and Lisa, Aunt Betty was more than a sister; she was the glue that held them together. Her love forged an unbreakable bond, transforming the concept of family into a sanctuary of warmth and understanding.

As we reflect on Aunt Betty's life, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing of having her in our midst. She was our rock, our matriarch, a beacon of love that illuminated our darkest days. Her legacy lives on in how we care for one another, the strength we find during adversity, and the joy we share as a family.

In this moment, as Stephen faces a formidable battle on the mortal plane, we find solace in knowing that Aunt Betty, in the vast expanse of the universal plain, is extending her love and healing energy. Her spiritual embrace transcends the boundaries of time and space, offering comfort and strength to her beloved son when he needs it most.

Though the void she left remains palpable, we are profoundly thankful for the gift of Aunt Betty's presence in our lives. Her love continues to be our guiding light, and her spirit lives on in the resilience and unity of our family. Aunt Betty, our beloved matriarch, will forever be etched in the tapestry of our hearts.


Happy Birthday, Our Sweet Mum